DIY Herbal Tea!

If you enjoy fruit teas, you might like herbal tea.  Herbs, not only make refreshing tea, but they have medicinal properties and health benefits, too.  You can use many of the common herbs growing in your garden, which are super-fresh, caffeine-free and cost nothing.

I love mint tea.  It grows wild in my garden.  When I weed, I just keep the tops (the new leaves) chop them up, pop 2-3 teaspoons into a diffuser and leave them for a few minutes to steep.  Steep for 2-3 minutes and drink.  It tastes so much fresher, straight from the plant than it does when dried.

Here are a few teas I made from plants in my garden:

Blackcurrant Leaf Tea
Chamomile Tea
Mint Tea
Nettle Tea
Peppermint Tea
Sage Tea
Elderflower Tea

For more information on the healing benefits of herbal teas, click on Herbal Tea for a Healthy Body , by Uma Mays.  Click on the picture below to discover how to grow your own herbs to make tea...

How to Grow Your Own Herbs for Tea {even in a small space} | Herbal tea is easy and rewarding to grow yourself. Many tea herbs are easy-to-grow and do well in pots and small spaces, so you can enjoy delicious home-grown tea year-round. Although you can make tea out of almost any herb, here are five (plus one more) of my favorites for both large and small gardens! |
by Wardee Harmon

Useful Links for Growing Herbs for Tea

National Gardening Association

Gardening Know How

Tea Herb Gardening 

Have you got a favourite home-grown herbal tea? Tell us about it in the box below.
